Nada Marriott

Be Flexible

Nada MarriottComment

Happiness Part 3 © 2022 Nada Marriott

“You are so stubborn.” 

“You just can’t see it from any other perspective but yours.”

I’m sure you have heard these exact or similar statements at one time or another. I know I have (the stubborn part).

You may have held to your opinion, your thought, your way of doing things and held on to it to the end, regardless of the outcome. Sometimes, it turned out OK and other times maybe not so much.

Ask yourself, “What was the point of not being flexible and sticking to my point of view regardless of the outcome?” Was it because you are trying to prove that you have worth, that you are smarter than “they” give you credit, that you believe you know better and there’s no better way?? Do you push your way to the point of loosing friends and acquaintances? 

When the light turns red and you are in a hurry, or when another driver cuts you off: be flexible. Look at it from a different perspective to help you be flexible. The red light is not going to make a difference in your life, it will only hold you up for about 30 seconds or so. Be flexible, let little things go… You will be much happier. That’s the 3rd point of the 7 Principles of Long Term Happiness

How about this….

When things are not going exactly as you would like, explore different options, different prospects, different possibilities. Allow yourself to see things from a different perspective. Look for that different way of doing things, for another way to make your point, the venue for your lunch changed at the last minute…be flexible, the change may turn out amazing. The green light turned red, be flexible, it could have stopped you from getting into an accident down the road.

You will never know how flexible you can be until you do it. Say “yes” to opportunities to be flexible and alter your thinking and see where that takes you. Embrace your flexibility. 

This week, I challenge you to look for ways to be flexible and how that flexibility made you feel. How does adaptability feel? What impact does flexibility and adaptability have on you? Test it out, I promise… you will be pleasantly surprised. 

Can YOU be the person standing in your own way of being flexible?

Move out of your own way and broaden your perspective by being flexible.