Nada Marriott

Practice Forgiveness

Nada MarriottComment

According to Douglas A. Smith, the happiness instructor at DePauw University in Indiana, the best way to go about practicing forgiveness is to discuss the issue with the person involved and express your feelings within a 48 hr window, then let it go. 

It’s healthier to forgive and let it go than to harbor those feelings and keep it inside, letting those feelings dictate your emotions and your reactions. 


Does forgiving mean forgetting? If you don’t forget it, does that mean you are continuing to harbor resentments towards that person and therefore unable to forgive?


You can forgive AND not forget, that IS possible to do. When you forgive and do not forget, you are letting go of the hurt you felt or the hardship you’ve gone through, AND you are remembering not to allow that hurt to happen again, because you now know what to do. 


Forgiving is healthier for your mind, body, and spirit.

You will never know the joy of forgiveness until you do it. Say “yes” to opportunities to forgive and embrace the learning process of life. 

This week, I challenge you to talk to someone that might have hurt you. Work on resolving the issues, then forgive and learn from the process.

Can YOU be the person standing in your own way of forgiveness?

Move out of your own way, forgive, and learn. 

Sign up for a free 15 min. exploratory session and let’s get moving on creating a purposeful life.

Knowing your purpose and getting it done are two different things. Let’s explore accomplishing our goals and enriching our lives. 

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